What is Dermaplaning?

What is Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is a physical exfoliation procedure of the skin. It requires the use of a sterile, surgical blade to gently "shave" the skin's surface, removing the top-most outer layer of dead skin along with fine, vellus hair (peach fuzz). The procedure can be performed monthly, in less than 45 minutes, with no downtime post-treatment. Dermaplaning is only performed on the face; however, it is not meant to be used to shape eyebrows, which are made up of "terminal" (not vellus) hairs.

Dermaplaning may also be referred to as dermablading and epidermal levelling.

Benefits of Dermaplaning

Physical exfoliation triggers the cell regeneration process and allows products to better penetrate skin which enables your skin care products to be more effective. Dermaplaning is also excellent to rid the face of excess fine hairs (Vellus hair) which can often accumulate dirt and oil. Contrary to popular belief, vellus hairs, as opposed to terminal hair, will not grow back thicker or darker. Exfoliation of dead cells along with the removal of fine hairs results in healthier, brighter skin that has a smoother look and feel.

Who should consider Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is especially effective on those with dry or rough skin texture and helps to minimize superficial acne scarring or uneven skin tone. It is also beneficial for mature skin, which tends to have a build-up of dead cells as cellular turnover slows down with age. Dermaplaning is safe for pregnant or lactating clients who cannot have chemical peels (peels penetrate skin to act at the cellular level, thus are contraindicated).

Dermaplaning Australia What should I expect during my treatment?

Dermaplaning is a painless treatment that includes deep cleansing, professional exfoliation in the form of Dermaplaning followed by an enzyme peel treatment that will exfoliate and lift any remaining dead skin cells. We finish with an oil free moisturiser. The treatment will take approximately 45 minutes.

Your skin will immediately look more radiant with a more even skin tone and texture. While the main objective of this treatment is exfoliation, the immediate removal of peach fuzz is an added benefit which renders the skin exceptionally smooth and soft.  Skin care products are better able to penetrate the skin following a

Dermaplaning service which allows them to work more efficiently. Your makeup will also go on smoother.

Dermaplaning smoothes, tones, tightens, and brightens skin, creating a flawless canvas for makeup application.


Dermaplaning  $150
(includes an enzyme peel)

Post Dermaplaning care:

  • Do not use Retinol/Vitamin A, Alpha Hydroxy Acids / Beta Hydroxy acids or exfoliants or scrubs for 7 days
  • Do not have any other facial treatment for 2 weeks following Dermaplaning
  • Do wear sunscreen and avoid direct sunlight

Dermaplaning can be used for any skin type and anyone with:

  • Acne scars
  • Dull skin
  • Dry skin
  • Sun-damaged skin
  • Fine lines and wrinkles

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