What you can expect during your initial consult?

Are you considering Laser Hair Removal but want to know more about it? Can’t find what you’re looking for online? Then why not make a trip to Laser Hair Removal at the Bay and on Unley for a complimentary consultation…

What to expect at your initial consultation at ‘Laser Hair Removal At The Bay and On Unley’:

After being greeted by our friendly staff, you will be required to read our client information sheet. This will briefly inform you of how laser hair removal works, the treatment process, the stages of hair growth, pre and post treatment preparation and of course, the risks and complications.

Then you will be asked to fill out some paperwork regarding your personal details such as any medical conditions, medications, allergies, skin disorders, pregnancy or tattoos which will affect your suitability for laser hair removal.

Once you have completed these steps, one of our friendly and qualified nurses, Veronica, Kellie or Liz will direct you into their treatment room to begin your consultation. During this time the nurse will not only assess the paperwork you have filled out but also carefully assess your skin type and hair colour according to the Fitzpatrick Score.

If the nurse determines that you are suitable for laser hair removal, they will then discuss the length and price of the treatment, the importance of regular appointments, possible reactions to the laser, post treatment care and of course answer any questions you may have.

One of the nurses will then conduct a test patch on your desired area. In order for this to occur, you will be required to sign a client consent form, consenting to the procedure of laser hair removal. All clients are required to have a test patch prior to commencement of treatment.

Full treatments may commence 1-21 days following the test patch. The reason for this is so that the nurses are able to assess any adverse reactions or pigmentation changes that may occur as a result of the laser. After your consultation, you will be provided with a copy of your consent form and you may wish to organise an appointment within 1-21 days to commence your laser hair removal treatment.

Finally, our wish is that all of our clients leave ‘Laser Hair Removal At The Bay or On Unley’ feeling confident and well informed about their experience. This initial consultation process is designed to ensure the safest possible approach to commencing laser hair removal by ensuring you are well informed and have realistic expectations. Your safety is our priority.

Your safety is our priority.

To organise a complimentary consultation at ‘Laser Hair Removal at the Bay or on Unley’, head to this link http://www.lhratthebay.com/make-a-booking.html or contacting us on 8295 7070  |  info@lhratthebay.com

The LHR team.