Why ‘Laser Hair Removal At The Bay and On Unley’ charge our clients in 5 minute increments as opposed to the area they are having treated?
Many laser hair removal clinics choose to charge their clients by the area they are having treated. They have a set price for everyone, regardless of the size of their treated area or even for the density of the hair. For example, lower legs may cost everyone $400.00 each time they come into the clinic regardless if their legs take 20 minutes or 1 hour to treat.
At Laser Hair Removal At The Bay and On Unley, we charge by time required for treatment as opposed to a flat fee for a single area. For example, a client may come in and have their lower legs treated for 40 minutes at their first treatment, but their next treatment may only require 25 minutes and they may even get down to as little as 5 minutes over time!
Of course, the treatment costs for ongoing treatment thereafter will vary between individuals according to the areas treated as well as the density of the unwanted hair. We believe this is a fairer system because as unwanted hair reduction occurs, subsequent treatment times will reduce, in turn costing you less. However, alternative pricing methods will continue to charge you the same amount despite your treatment being significantly less time. This seems unfair. At first it may seem like a cheaper option, but once you have achieved significant hair reduction, it may be costing you more.
To find out how long and how much your laser hair removal treatment would cost at Laser Hair Removal At The Bay or On Unley, organise yourself a complimentary consultation. During this consultation, one of our friendly nurses will discuss with you the pricing and also provide you with an estimated time that your first treatment will take. There is currently no cost for your initial consultation.
Make laser hair removal a priority for you this year and organise a complimentary consultation valued at $90 at ‘Laser Hair Removal At The Bay or On Unley’ with one of our qualified nurses. Head to this link http://www.lhratthebay.com/make-a-booking.htm l or contact us on 8295 7070 | info@lhratthebay.com
The LHR team.