Should You Go For Laser Hair Removal Treatment If You Suffer From PCOS?

Should you go for laser hair removal treatment if you suffer from PCOS?
Unwanted hair due to PCOD is really a menace, talk to your doctor to know if LHR can be a solution.
We feel fortunate here at Laser Hair Removal At The Bay & On Unley as we are able to help client’s with Polycycstic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) gain confidence and boost their self esteem with the help of our lasers.  Below we have an article from The Health Site by Debjani Arora who helps to explain what PCOS is and how laser can help control the issue.  Hopefully it may help more people understand how common PCOS is.  If you believe you may have this condition, please see your local doctor to discuss your concerns and remember, Laser Hair Removal At The Bay & On Unley have trained nurses on hand to help with your laser!
For women suffering from PCOD or polycycstic ovarian syndrome, there are a lot of problems one has to endure.  Since the condition leads to hormonal imbalances it affects the reproductive system of the women leading to larger ovaries with cysts.  It also causes painful periods, irregular periods, difficulty in conception and a host of other issues.  Since this condition also increases androgens or male hormones it gives rise to some problem which might be difficult to deal with aesthetically – growth of unwanted facial hair.  
It can lead to excess growth of hair on the neck, chin, upper lips, cheeks or forehead and can be frustrating and embarrassing at times.  Frequent waxing or shaving can be both time consuming and harmful for your skin, resulting in recurrent boils ingrown hairs and marks that worsen over time.  This is why dermatologists recommend laser hair removal to counter this problem.  
Accoridng to Dr Kiran Lohia, dermatologist and founder, Lumiere Dermatology and Dr Deepika Shetty, Dermatologist, Skin Clinic, ‘Laser hair removal is perfectly a safe treatment that restricts the need for repeated harmful hair removal procedures.  It is an ideal procedure to prevent all the problems associated with repeated hair removal processes while promising smooth and permanently hairless skin.’  
How can laser treatment help PCOS?
Laser Hair removal is the process of removing unwanted hair by means of exposure to pulses of laser light that destroy the hair follicles.  This is a permanent solution; however a maintenance session after nine months to a year is recommended as your hormones changes throughout the life and this can lead to hair growth again.  Special lasers work even on the most difficult to treat hairs, including fine hairs, hormonal hairs and resistant hairs.  Rarely a tiny scab may form where a hair is particularly difficult to treat, but that falls off and resolves within a few days.
How to prepare for Laser Hair Removal?
Here are a few things you need to keep in mind before going for the treatment:
• Don’t go for tanning or self-tanning techniques before, right after or between treatments. Tanned skin may absorb a portion of the energy of the laser that needs to destroy hair follicles, resulting in pigmentation thus limiting the effectiveness of the treatment.
• Moisturise daily the areas that are being treated since dryness can make your skin more sensitive.
• Avoid using any products on the day of treatment especially on the area to be treated.
• Don’t was, tweeze or go for electrolysis treatments on areas that need to be treated.
• Do not take Isotretinoin or other acne creams.
• Remember, if you are on any kind of antibiotics, you cannot go for laser hair removal while on the antibiotics and for a week after.
What kind of aftercare is necessary after the procedure?
• Apply sunscreen on the treated areas as the most important precautionary measure after the treatment to avoid tanning and sun sensitivity.
• Don’t exercise  or work out for a minimum of 24 hours after the procedure (if area is still red after 12 hours, wait until redness subsides).
• Avoid saunas, hot tubs or hot showers for a minimum of 12 hours post-treatment (if area is still red after 12 hours, wait until redness subsides).
• Avoid any activity that will cause sweating for at least 12 hours.
• Apply a cold, wet compress to treated areas several times a day if redness or irritation.
The Health Site
Debjani Arora – October 12, 2017